Sell with us
Terms and Conditions
What clothing do you accept?
We sell clothing, shoes, jewellery and bags.
We will gladly accept garments that are designer labelled (NZ or International), are in clean tidy condition, and are seasonally appropriate.
How does it work?
Drop in your designer pre-loved clothing during work hours to Pre-Loved Style at 153 Trafalgar Street. The staff will ask you to complete a form outlining your contact details. If you would like a specific price for a certain garment, please ensure you attach your requested price otherwise we price at our discretion according to the market.
Your clothing will be reviewed and if not accepted you will be contacted and asked to collect.
Note: due to limited storage we will only hold unwanted stock for 2 weeks (unless agreed otherwise) after which, if it remains uncollected, it will be passed onto a Local Charity.
What happens if my clothing does not sell?
If an item does not sell after ~3 months we will request you to collect it. If you are uncontactable or it remains uncollected it will be passed onto a Local Charity. For this reason, please ensure we have a current means of contacting you via telephone or email.
What and when will I be paid?
From the selling price, GST will be deducted. The GST exclusive selling price will then be split 50/50 between yourself and Pre-loved Style. You can elect to hold your balance in credit to be redeemed at either:
- Karen Jordan Style at 151 Trafalgar St, Nelson
- Pre-Loved Style at 153 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Or paid via direct credit to your nominated bank account. Please ensure we have your bank account number for direct crediting if this is your preference. Payments are made in the first week of each calendar month, for sales the month prior.
You can see the status of your garments at any stage using the Consignor Login on our website
Any other questions?
For any questions or enquiries on your clothing, please contact us on +64 3 548 3997or email